Massage a small amount of our Charcoal & Licorice Restoring Face Wash over wet face and neck. Rinse with warm water.
PRO TIP: A quality face washing session doesn’t always require rabid animal-level foaming to really cleanse. Some face wash products give you the illusion of cleansing with an unnecessary level of foam, but many of those foaming agents and ingredients strip your skin of natural oils leaving it looking dry and dull—like the day after a Foam Party. This especially applies to individuals with dry, oily or acne prone skin. Water is a key component to your morning regimen, both inside and out. For a quick burst of energy, a good splash of cold water before washing your face will get your blood flowing and give you a quick boost of circulation, helping your complexion and skin to look its most fresh. Further, drinking a glass of water (preferably spring water) every morning, with a total of six to eight glasses everyday is one of the best habits you can create for yourself. Healthy, moisturized skin requires a dedication to the practice of hydration. If not, your skin will give you the side eye (as best as skin can).