Shipping Policy

USA Shipping

What are your standard shipping rates?

FREE US (Continental) orders over $50 - Standard shipping (1 - 7 business days)

US orders - Standard shipping (1 - 7 business days): $5.95      

Expedited Shipping (1 - 3 business days): Shipping costs vary

*Packages shipped via Expedited Service cannot be shipped to a P.O. Box

Do you ship to APO's?
Yes. Shipping usually will take anywhere from 20 - 30 days.

International Shipping

Do you ship internationally?
Yes, but only to Canada, UK, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Please note that customs can hold up a package for a number of days. Be patient and give it at least 30 days. If you think it's stuck or lost, let us know by emailing us at

What are your international shipping rates?
Shipping rates to most international locations vary based on location and shipping timeframe .

What about duties and fees?

Duties and fees are included in shipping costs to Canada and the UK.

When is your order cutoff time?

Orders that come in after 12PM EST will be processed the next business day. 

Can I return products?

You can return or exchange any defective merchandise or any product that you are not satisfied with by mail. Returns made within 60 days of order shipment date will be refunded to the original form of payment. See our Refund Policy

Is Scotch Porter sold locally?

Our goal is to get our products in barbershops, salons and retail locations in the US and abroad. If you know of a location that should stock our products, please have them contact us or check out our retailer page.

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